Monthly Archives: March 2020

Eurocell Survey Findings

Soffits, Fascias, Guttering, Downpipes, Weatherboard, Roofline Products, UPVC, Colour-Matching


Leading UPVC manufacturer, distributor and recycler of building products Eurocell, recently produced a revealing report. The research found that there was generally too much emphasis on the creation of homes with little regard to supporting infrastructure. Study participants included private renters, home owners and social housing occupants. 69% of all questioned believed that there was not sufficient consideration given to the provision of health, education and sports facilities. They were of the opinion that these areas were continually overlooked during the construction planning process.

32% of people questioned thought that a lot more could be done to help develop doctors, hospitals and dentists, and 31% felt that way about nurseries and schools. More parks should be provided according to 28%, and additional leisure, sports and craft centres would be favoured by 26%. Facilities such as restaurants and cafés should be prioritised said 21%.

As many as 55% of respondents felt that fast construction of homes is a negative where community spirit is concerned. 44% of those asked complained that doctors surgeries etc were not extended in order to accommodate both new and old communities. To address these imbalances, 37% thought that local residents should have significant input on planning decisions. Greater collaboration between planners and service providers was suggested by 36% along with other factors.

Professionals contributing to the report included architects and developers within the industry. The Queen’s speech Christmas 2019 offered hope and raised expectations regarding infrastructure investment.

Eurocell manufacture high quality UPVC glazing and roofing products including guttering, soffits and fascias. Specialists like ourselves prefer to use reputable brand names such as Eurocell, to ensure customer satisfaction.

New & Replacement Fascias, Guttering Repairs, Rafters, Joists, Roof Beams, High Quality, Low Maintenance, Domestic & Commercial